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The following categories of persons are exempt from paying travel taxes:

 children up to 6 years old.

 pupils aged up to 21, from accredited/authorized pre-university education, including those enrolled in pre-university education units registered in the Special Register of pre-university education units that operate according to a foreign curriculum, from education units in the Municipality of Oradea, benefit from free, within the law, public local transport services in the Municipality of Oradea, including the metropolitan member ADI Transregio (Oradea, Sânmartin, Borș, Cetariu, Paleu and Hidișel - abbreviated ADI), throughout the school year (the school year starts on September 1 and ends on August 31), in accordance with the provisions of art. 83 paragraph (1) of Law no. 189/2023. Pupils benefit free of charge on the basis of pupil subscriptions loaded on nominal ID cards, card validation upon boarding the means of transport being mandatory.

 students aged up to 30 with one or both deceased parents, as well as students from placement centers or who have been placed with the extended family, surrogate or foster care, according to the provisions of art. 64 ali (1) of the Law no. 272/2004 on the protection and promotion of children's rights, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions, benefit from free use of local public transport. Beneficiaries must attend the current courses of the accredited/authorized pre-university education units from the educational units of the Municipality of Oradea or the accredited higher education institutions, within the radius of the Municipality.

 war veterans and widows (conf. Law 44/1994 updated); deportees, victims of communist oppression, political detainees, displaced/persecuted for ethnic or political reasons (conf. law 189/2000, law 118/1990), fighters for the Victory of the December 1989 Revolution (conf. law 341/2004), based on the card loaded travel card with annual validity, card issued on the basis of special identification.

 all categories of pensioners with permanent residence in Oradea.

 third-age persons who have reached the standard retirement age, but who do not have the status of pensioner and have no other income, with permanent residence in the Municipality of Oradea.

 beneficiaries of Law 448/2006: - 1 - persons with severe and severe disabilities; - 2 - the companion of the severely disabled child, in his presence; - 3 - the companion of the adult with severe auditory and mental handicap, in his presence; - 4 - personal assistants of people with severe disabilities; - 5 - professional personal assistants of people with severe or severe disabilities, included in the nominal list of beneficiaries for whom the identification card for urban transport with public transport was issued, developed by the General Directorate of Bihor Social Assistance and Child Protection, sent to Oradea City Hall and the operator. The categories of persons provided for in this paragraph benefit from public transport facilities based on the presentation of supporting documents attesting to the legal right to transport, in conjunction with the legal provisions in force.


Note: Passengers found without valid tickets or unsuitable for the means of transport, as well as those who use public transport inappropriately to the traffic rules, will be sanctioned according to Hot. nr. 706 / 31.08.2009 of the Local Council of Oradea Municipality.

Paper tickets (purchased from ticket kiosks or ticket vending machines and season tickets) will be validated in the devices specially set up for this purpose, immediately after boarding the means of transport. 

The paper ticket gives the right to a single journey, without interruption, only in the vehicle in which it was validated for 60 min.

Validated travel tickets, subscriptions or nominal travel cards cannot be transferred to other people.


Tariff reductions for transport by means of OTL S.A.:

 benefit from a 90% reduced rate on local public transport, students enrolled in the form of education with frequency in accredited higher education institutions, within the municipality, aged up to 30 years, throughout the calendar year. Students from the final years benefit from a subsidized subscription with the upload date before July 31.

 according to Decision no. 1364/04.10.2006 from law no. 282/2005, blood donors benefit from a subscription with a 50% discount on the public transport subscription, for a period of one month. The period in which they can pick up this subscription is a maximum of 30 days from the date of donation. If the subscriber already has a full-rate monthly subscription on the date of the donation, he will use it until it expires, after which he will be able to purchase the reduced subscription to which he is entitled. The travel card for blood donors will be loaded based on the nominal list sent by the Oradea Blood Transfusion Center every Monday of the month.